PUTNAM’S SONS Publishers Since 1838 Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) LLC 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 (Ret.), and Tony Koltz Every Man a Tiger: The Gulf W ar Air Campaign with General Chuck Horner (Ret.) and Tony Koltz Shadow W arriors: Inside the Special Forces with General Carl Stiner (Ret.) and Tony Koltz Battle Ready with General Tony Zinni (Ret.) and Tony Koltz Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear W arship Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment Fighter W ing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat W ing Marine: A Guided Tour of a Marine Expeditionary Unit Airborne: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier Into the Storm: A Study in Command with General Fred Franks, Jr. The Hunt for Red October Red Storm Rising Patriot Games The Cardinal of the Kremlin Clear and Present Danger The Sum of All Fears W ithout Remorse Debt of Honor Executive Orders Rainbow Six The Bear and the Dragon Red Rabbit The Teeth of the Tiger Dead or Alive Against All Enemies Locked On Threat Vector NONFICTION